Lab Members

Dr. Ian Janssen
Dr. Ian Janssen is a professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, and the Department of Public Health Sciences at Queen's University. He is an experienced researcher with approximately 300 scientific publications. He is the head of the lab and supervises all of the students and research trainees.

Jillian Scandiffio
MSc student (Kinesiology & Health Studies)
Jillian is first year MSc student in physical activity epidemiology. Her thesis research will focus on whether adolescent physical activity and screen time levels predicts the incidence of diabetes in adulthood.

Stephen Lam
MSc student (Public Health Sciences)
Stephen Lam is a second year MSc epidemiology student. He is the recipient of a CIHR Masters Student Scholarship. His thesis research is focusing on the important of the school recess period for a child's healthy movement.

Anna Clarke
MSc student (Public Health Sciences)
Anna is a first year MSc epidemiology student. Her thesis research will examine how the 24-hour movement behaviour composition influences health.

Josh Shore
Undergraduate student (Kinesiology)
Josh Shore is a 4th year Kinesiology student who is completing an undergraduate thesis in the lab. His research is examining concussions and their risk factors among youth.

Elaine Gatzios
Undergraduate student (Health Studies)
Elaine is a 4th year Health Studies student who is completing an undergraduate thesis in the lab. Her research is examining the relationship between neighbourhood crime rates and outdoor active play.