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Children's Race

The Physical Activity Epidemiology Lab

Home: Overview


Our research focuses on understanding how movement behaviours (i.e., physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep) influence the health and well-being of children, youth, and adults.  We are also interested in understanding how a person’s social and physical environment influences their movement.

Physical Activity

Our research uses accelerometer and GPS technology to gain a better understanding of how active people are and how their physical activity influences their health.

Couple Running

Sedentary Behaviour

Our research on over 25,000 grade 6 to 10 students from across Canada indicates that the average young person  accumulates over 7 hours of screen time in a typical day.

A Boy and His Tablet Device


Our research considers how the composition of sleep, sedentary behaviour, and physical activity across the entire 24-hour day influences health.

Man Sleeping
Home: Research

News & Events

Home: News & Resources
School Application

Grad School Applications

Oct 2018 to March 2019

Dr. Janssen is now accepting MSc and PhD applications for a Sept 2019 start date.

Summer Camp Kids

Way to go Anne!

January 2019

Anne Macgreggor's thesis research on the health benefits of different types of physical activity was just accepted for publication at Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.

Young Girl Reading

New Publication

January 2019

Our research on non-wear time bias in assessment of sedentary time with accelerometers has been published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.


New Publication

January, 2019

Congratulations to former undergrad thesis students Mijal Vonderwalde and Jutyna Cox!  Their thesis research has just been published in Preventive Medicine Reports

Judge's Table

Stephen Lam thesis proposal

December 2018

Congratulations to Stephen Lam for a successful MSc thesis proposal!

Business People Applauding

Thesis defense

Nov 23, 2018

Mike Borghese successfully defended his PhD thesis .  Congratulations Dr. Borghese!


Paper accepted for publication

Nov 11, 2018

Our paper on sleep in farm youth was accepted for publication in the Journal of Rural Health

Kids Playing Volleyball

Paper accepted for publication

Nov 10, 2018

Our research on time 10-13 year olds spend in different types of physical activity was just accepted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Public Health.

Team Practice

Tres bien Laura!

January 2019

Laura Callender's thesis research on the health benefits of different intensities, types, and patterns of movment was just accepted for publication in the Journal of Sport and Health Science.

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